Saturday, January 06, 2007

the way i feel about you isn't the same. i don't think i love you anymore.
today was boring prob cos i'm pms-ing? everywhere i go, i'm like "whatever". ))): woke up early. like 7? slept again. woke up again at 10 to reply sms-es. and slept again. haha. finally woke up at 11.30. rushed to eat lunch. then left to pick cheryl up to go for e mime practice.

yeah. played frisbee for YF. it was quite cool, i guess. muddy ... erks. had to leave early cos we had to send our grandparents off .. to thailand. don't know if i was happy or sad to leave early? i really can't figure out anything :( danggg.

mm. this "depressing crisis" will end soon. it will! so watch out. cya.


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