Thursday, January 04, 2007

i'm tsk-ing a lot now-a-days :)

i feel good when i'm talking to people. but i'm not nowwww. i'm unloved :(

1st day of school! (weds, ystrdy) - one word. the most common word EVER. B-O-R-I-N-G. mm. our form's mdm marini and our co-form is mr ang. mm, right aft we went into class, mr ang said, "okay girls. take out your phones" scarayeee. cos my phone turns on v.v.v.v easily. just one light light press. lots of SE 06 girls in e class :( it's a good thing, maybe? lol i dunno. new meepok uncle! doesn't make a diff to me cos i don't eat meepok (: i can't rmbr what i did for the rest of the day. oh yes, i'm cleanliness rep! cool-lio.

2nd day! (today) - better than ystrdy, haha. i think my duty roster's prettaye ..... confusing. but nevermind (: left early to prepare for orientation! didn't do much. my feet are aching.

im sad nowww. cos lauren said something mean :( boooo. and munling left. and shoes has "SO MANY" people to talk to. i'm not lovedddd :(

but i should take comfort in the fact that God loves me :) goodbye.


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