Friday, December 22, 2006

sighhh. i didn't get my usual minutes of bath. only like 15 mins? boohoo.

my legs are achinggg. but i doubt it's form the standing up for dunno how many minutes. i stood up all the way in the ride from tanah merah to toa payoh one k. pro :) i know :P

today was fun :) (carolling with yf and yafers) i guess different from the days i go out with sc girls. dunno why :P maybe i know why, but i guess it's better i say i dunno why. haha. i dunno why i said that. hahahaha. okok. woke up at 10-ish to get the sms that i was suppose to be in church at 11. so rushed rushed rushed and i reached there. late i think. practiced the mime. went through 20 (or so) minutes of pure torture :P hahahha. no la kidding :) aft that, went to pris' house to eat chocs. waha.

mmmmmmmmmm, then everyone came. sang happy birthday to jenies :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENIESSSS :) practiced and blah blah blah.

so then, made our way to celebral palsy centre :) oh oh, then when we left the bus, zhiyuan told aaron, "hah. mine goes 'dee dee'. your's goes 'dee' only" (as in when u leave and you tap your ezy link. and cos adults one only does deeee) hahahhahaha. oh man farnie :) ok wtv. erm. on the bus ride, i was kinda thinking what i was gonna say to them. i thought they were like kids. so i'll probably just go there and say like "hi what's your name?". yeah but soon realised it was older poeple. and i didn't know it's like that serious :( yeahhhh. OK HAPPY THOUGHTS :) not gonna make my posts emo. but yes, we must be thankful to God for what we are capable of doing and yeahhhh not put it to waste! yyup! so we performed. and everyone was so enthu and happy :) yay. okayy, so we mingled around. i just shook their hands and smiled. i dunooo, i didn't know what to do. =/

aft that, pigged out at white sands. then made our way to aunty jac's house. did the usual stuff :P sang, mingled, talked, yeah. OVERALLLLL, it was a memorable day! yeah :D

it's gonna be the new year soooon. and and, i don't want to go to schooooooooool D: D: D: nononono. the short skirts, books books and MORE books, dreading netball trngs. rawhhh. i;ve not cleared my sec 1 stuff. prob all around the house. but nvm, my house isn't that big anyway. i don't wanna go to schooool :( i wanna go america :D i heard it's less stress. lalala poot.

gonna write christmas cards tmr. so WATCH OUT :P

okayyy, gd night folks :)


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