Tuesday, January 02, 2007

your thoughtless words

my 20th post :) nothing compared to people's 100th/200th posts. but it's a great achievement for me considering the fact that i'm always changing my blog :)

blessed new year everyone :) & i mean it, even if i'm not there to hug or shake your hand :)

i've always been looking foward to being 14, being sec 2, in year 2007. nice numbers right :D 7 times 2 is 14 :) LOL. yup, hope it'll be a good year. 2006 passed in a blurrrrr.

mm. sunday - woke up early :) to go to church! :D aft that, had to leave earlier cos dad was sick (gastric, i think. haha. cos he kept burping). went for haircut at casey aft that! haha. erm, i won't tell ya'll how it looks like till u see 4 urself :) got ready for new year's eve dinner/countdown. hm, went there in this guess top and tights. & & &, i saw aunty mabel in like t-shirt and shorts and she looked so comfortable! didn't realise we were s'pose to dress in sports wear till i heard there were prizes for best sports wear attire. haha. mm, anw, changed into more comfy clothes :) heard pple's testimonies bla bla bla. and it was countdown! erm, i felt iw as really different from last year's countdown i had with carmen (who's in aussie) and the television. last year's countdown was like WOW. a new year! yay! i really felt really greatttt. but this year was like, "well, okay. a new year. wow. yay." mm, didn't quite feel anything. as if it's just another day. sad sad.

yup. stayed over :) aft much deliberation and hesitation (lol). ermmm, played weirdish games :) haha. wasn't VERY enthu cos the sofa was tooooo comfy :D yup. stayed up to like 6/7-ish? i rmbred i slept when the sun was alr up. haha :) mm, slept for and hour or so? yeahhhh. and aft that was a haze. left early cos i was really really really (x100) bored :) yup. mm, went home at around 10 o'clock. bathed, and SLEPT :D

YEAH, guess what. i slept from 11 o'clock to 6.30pm. ate some snacks. and at 7pm, i slept to around 10 o'clock. at 10 o'clock, ate some more snacks. slept at 11pm, and woke up the next morning at 11am. omggg. that's like lemme count ... 22 hours of sleep? yeah.

school's gonna start. don't wanna cut my nails :( don't wanna remove the nial polish D: i've not packed my bag. i've not done anything. rawrrr. i suck.

tag replies :)

cherie - haha. yeahh. school in church wld be cool :)
vera - nah. shoes isn't in my class. haha. i know what class u're in too :)
nick - but 12 bucks was worth it right. lol.
mun - i know how it's spelt! missha. haha. nooo. it's really ugly.
rui - haha. yup, looking foward to more silly stuff :) the last part of the name's bokabuloo! haha.


these foolish games


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