Friday, January 05, 2007

i'm sad for a lot of reasons.

one being my post vanished which is FUSTRATING.

i really try to be nice to people. but they're just so complacant and mean :( and i really try hard not to hate them. but i fail most of the time.

my face is burning. sun burnt. it'll eventually peel. and people will tell me how i should drink more water and put moisturizer. hearing the jeers of munling which im getting very sick of. plus, the last time i went into guardian (or something like that), i asked the lady for something (i think some lip ice thingy which ml wanted) and she said "oh, i don't think we have it. but your skin looks very dry. do you want moisturizer?"

ohyes. i'm sick of SC and netball :( DEPRESSION. booooooooo.



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