Monday, January 22, 2007


can't take it anymore. stuuuuuuuuuuupid essay >=[ no inspirationnnn. don't like essays. boo boo boooooooooo.

pulls hair
slams head on table
jump up and down
frizz my hair

and i'm having a veryyyy bad headache D: like a lizard attacking my BRAINNN. it hurtttts. and i'm having sore throatttt, and a FLU. the difference between sinus and flu -

FLU - when your SNOT is thick and squiggly, and the tissue is not able to absorb it
SINUS - watery and flowy. flows out of nose like a waterfall. no need to BLOW ur nose like crazy. and tissue is able to SOAK IT ALL UPPP.

so that's how i was able to use like 4 packets of tissue today. HAHA. i measured my SNOT, 400ml. my partner is grossed out.

got back our chinese and math test. didn't do well for chinese. booooo. got ahem, full marks for math yo! but like, 18 other people on my class for full marks too -.- so annoying. smart class. RAWR. i miss PRRR. boo, i wanna go PR for the wrong intentions. boo *slaps face*

SHOCKING NEWWWWS - ARSENAL BEAT MAN U! WHOO. 2 to 1 ha. i wanna watch it man. poofing. van persie scored :D yay. i like arsenal now. wahahahha. fickle-minded.

i have half an hour to write 400 more words. yay me.


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