Wednesday, January 17, 2007

desire: table for three

mm, cool show :) but it's v late at night :(

i guess today was a better day than yrstdy? yeah. got high towards the enddd. hahahaha. yup, my partner's funnayeee. hahahaha.

*she drops her pen*
me - waha. there's gonna be no more ink :D like ur other pens
partner - na-ah! this pen is sexy! it's gonna bring sexy back (to the tune)

ahahahhahahha. yupyup. can't wait for the weekendssss! competition tmr! against fairfield methodist! yardeeda. i need to do math. like boooooooooooooooooo. hahhahaha

tag replies

nick - oops. i think it was PM. yup hahaha
rui - hahahahha. suffer :D
carmen - i did! look at the previous previous post :D

CIAO piggy piggy porcupine!


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