Saturday, November 25, 2006

getting fixated really easily now a days. but i lose interest aft a while :)

nball camp just ended :D it was erm, 3 days long. but it felt as if it was just one VERY long day .. i liked the friendlies. prefer them to trngs :) played against westwood, northland, anglican and anderson. yup. can't rmbr the score tho :) puva prob yelled at me more than a thousand times. yeaaah. oh well

watching tokyo drift: fast and furious! whoo :D i got a pimple on my NOSE D: aw damnnn, it just popped. oooops :P

i can't bend my right knee :( cos there's this wound that's healing. and everytime when i bend it, or squart or sit bending my knees, the dried puss/blood will crack open again and more puss will flow out. it's been happening the whole camp. sickening. oh right, i didn't tell how i got my wound HAHA.

ermmm, went out with ah ming (the orang utan :D:D) on tues. there was this big big big big road (to wisma) where kia-su pple will jay-walk across. and yeah, when there were no cars, we rannnn. & i fell. like flat down. and the cars were cominggg. around 50m away. so this other jay-walker helped me up. hahahha. i almost dieddddd. sooo as a result, i have one wound on my elbow, hipbone, knee and small little bruises on the other knee. rawwrrr.

alrighties then, g'night!


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