Thursday, November 30, 2006

read this in one the friendster bulletins and i do agree with it, 100%.

1. To the people who does have more
than 500 friend's, are you serious?
Nobody in this universe has that many
friends ... you're stupid. Go kill

2. If you're ugly stop acting like you
don't know it. The captions under you
picture that says "top model pose"
doesn't convince anybody. at least you
can work on your personality.

3. Don't ever post pictures and
say "omg im so ugly" because if you
were, you wouldn't post them.please
put away the rod and reel cause your
just fishin for compliments.

4. Nobody cares about threats over the
internet. Don't try to act hard with
the keyboard ... that's so sad. unless
you actually physically beat someone
with the keyboard. then thats
ironically hilarious.

5. If all your pictures look the
same ... don't post them all! Please put
some variety in your pics. Nobody
wants to see your face 8 different
ways. I don't care if its inverted,
black and white, or faded out. a face
is a face is a face. (This reminds me
of Mr OSG. HAHA)

6. Who really gives a rats ass if I
don't accept you as a friend ... MOVE
ON. Don't send me another request or
message asking "what's up?" I don't
want you as a friend or I just don't
care, that's what's up!

7. LITTLE 13, 14, 15, years old who
have friendster and LOOK LIKE SLUTS,
go somewhere else because NOBODY wants
you here except pedophiles, and is
that what you want. to be raped? no
you don't so RUN RUN FAST!!

8. No one is really going to die in 6
days or have bad relationships for 5
years if they don't pass or post your
bulletin on. It's just plain bullshit!

9. If you have decided to read this,
You are a true Friendster Friend. Real
friends read their bulletins.

10. It serves to eliminate people who
are desperately trying to
add "friends" like it's a popularity
contest in high school. Good riddance!

:) a bit blue actually. but heck. these pple annoy me. gonna go for a wedding tmr! at sentosa :) it's been long since i've been to a wedding .. recent shows i've watched - the covenant and undiscovered. guess who starrs in both of them. steven strait! don't really like his looks, his chin's a bit weird and his eyes looks ... squashed. lol plus, his voice is so low :( sorry steven strait fans.

gonns be at grandma's from 4th to 10th dec while my parents jet off to phuket :( and youth camp form 11th to 15th. and on the 17th, i'll be going tom malaysia. will be back on the 20th i think :) i'll be posting on the 16th, i guess. maybe on sat? so WATCH OUT! :P

Go on
Get out of my head
I'm on the wrong side of a parallel universe

Slow motion
Should've seen it
But I couldn't do nothing

Someone save me
I can't seem to break free

- hilary duff's "crash world"

don't you think it takes more than a physical attraction? ..
alright then, bye!


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