Monday, March 19, 2007

haha. i just realised i didnt write much about my holidays. out of all the small lil holidays i had, this is actually the first one im posting about :) i keep going to malaysia, sometimes i get sick of it >:(

woke up at like 6? left for malaysia :) i think i slept through it most of the time. ate at the usual lunch place. omg, the cats there are like sooo annoying luh :PPP my dad gave it chicken :] i forgot what i did for the rest of the day. OH YA, i did math. the harder one, i think. i got 21/25 :] so cool right. HAHA, oh man. i seriously forgot what i did that day. i think nth much luh. im growing old. =/

woke up and took my mum's place for breakfast :] i thought i ate quite a lot, but my dad said i didn't and it wasnt worth the money they paid for. okayyyy, wtvs. mm, i finished the other math wrksheet. i got 20/25 :] hahahahha. YOU KNOW RIGHTTT, all th questions i guessed, i got correct. all the ones i spend so long doing, i got them wrong. okay, im exagerrating, but still. swimmed ltr =] my dad used his water proof camera. so coooool can :D went to the beach ltr. i didn't lay ONE part of my body on it except my legs :) cos i hate getting sandy. AHHAHAHAA. it was really temptingggg. but im proud of myself now :D
kayaked :) pic's up there. my dad thought the water was really smooth and nice. i thought it was gross 'cos there was seaweed in it. didn't kayak for v long, actually maybe quite long. i took like 10 mins?! to finally get my "boat" beside the thingy. haha so gay luh. i had to do it by myselffffff! and i didn't wanna wet my shoes :] (altho they were alr wet) studied my lit and science at like 10pm at night. cos my mum didnt wanna let go of the tv >:( hahahahha. oh yea, the beach was v nice on that day cos it was lowtide :) there were many many pics. but im so lazy to upload. muaha.
drove back at , i dunno what time. i know i missed baptism class :( oh nooo. went to grandmummy's house ltr to blade with sis and aunt. hahahahha. wasnt as fun as last weeek. cos my blades were my dads, i brought the wrong ones, again. and they were really heavy. skated all the way to east coast. i dont like east coast. so many show offs >=( hahahahhaa. im jking. lala.
MONDAY (today)
schoooooool. im so screwed for lit and science test luh. touch wood touch wood :) had the briefing bout streaming. and mel and i wrote this really funnaye conversation on her paper. hahahaha. its rateddd luh. so joys (my lil duckie daughter) couldn't see it >:) hahahahahha. aft that was s'pose to hv training. but coach didn't come :) so we slacked. omg, i suck at squash. hahahahhahaha. oh, on the way backkk, dwi and i saw this lady carrying this really nice bag. it has like allesandro ambrosio on it! dwi asked her where she got it frm =] and she said US. :(
okiedokie, buhbye.
when you want it the most, there's no easy way out


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