Wednesday, March 07, 2007

my exact brand of heroin :]

  • my dad told me skipping lunch is not cool :)
  • i lost my waterbottle at toa payoh stadium :) my dad's really angry, cos it's the third/fourth time i've lost a nalgene water bottle. so now he's gonna get me a columbia one :]
  • there was sports heats! our event was like .. last. so we had to wait a really really long time. and while waiting, we did really dumb things :] we - nazi, moni, li en and i! and chaisy at some points of time. first, we did this warm up routine which moni said would break ur arms :) then we went to cheer the long jump girlies - mel and nadia! oh yes, they got into the finals :D but they didn't win :( nevermind! ya'll still rocked. oh oh, then the craziest part came ... we decided to catch falling leafs -.- nazi was the pro-est. moni looked really really cute! hahaha. i caught 1! nazi caught 2! and monica caught NONE :D:D:D see how i bolded itttt. muahahahahah. i kept laughinggg. and my pee was about to burst out :X
  • we got in 5th for 4 by 400m. which is really cool :D 2PE was like, w-o-w.
  • aft that, many of us went to take MRT to eh, novena! :) first it was like, hweena, nazi, ger (i forgot her name! ahh! i'm really sorry), mel, nadia, chaisy and me! then slowly, everyone started leaving :/ in the end, chaisy, nadia, mel and i were at erm, novena. went with them to do their 1SE shirts -.- i felt really extra there. and we got bubble tea then left for home :] & &, i realised that nadia stays really closeee. so cool!
  • i ate fish and chips for dinner :] i couldn't finish my chips. lalalala.

OKAY. d'you know what. borat's comments page is like flooded. and i swear (altho i can't swear :]) that i didn't tag anythinggg :) really. & honestly, i think the tags are really immature (but cute) :] as nadia said .. leave them alone. muaha.

i'm so tired now a days, that i don't dream :( & i'm really sad. 'cos i really love dreams. :] i hope i talk in my sleep. 'cos talking in your sleeps is superrrr cool, to me.

tag my board pple! i get really sad when theres no tags! then i'll decide to close it down :( which will make me even more sadddd. hahahha. okay, PLS TAG :) i love you. muah. bye.

You know you've gotta stop
You're tearing us apart
Quit playing games with my heart :]


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