Tuesday, March 13, 2007


i'm really sad nowww.
'cos i can't taste anything :( i've been having sinus for the whole day. boooo. no more skin below my nose :]
i gained a kg. yes, it's a big deal. from there, who knows how much more i'll gain. ahh !!

watched interview with the vampire in the morning. :) i thought there was no need for the scenes that were rated. super gross. had doctor's appoinment :] &then, watched music and lyrics with mummy at like 9? haha. it's a really funny and sweet show :DDD

woke up at 7 plus, was s'posed to go for trngg. but pon-ed in the end, 'cos my stomach kinda hurt, i think it's indigestion (kept burping. stomach's not used to sudden large intake of food :]). and i was really really tired. so .. slept all the way to 12 :) ate many many red bean buns :D reminds me of camp :( :( :( me and nazi ate dunno how many red bean buns :D went to united square for dinner.

mm, watching hotel rwanda now :) watched it with my aunt in the cinema before, but that was then, & i didn't understand anything. i just know it was v v v v v sad. :(

trng tmr D: everyone said trng was v tough today. netball dinner tmr tooooo! yay. i think i'm going .. i hv to finish all my hw tmr. oh no

okay bye :)
oh yea, the cool picture's with pris are on friendster. hurhur.

all I want to do is find a way back into love.


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