Friday, February 23, 2007


3rd for 800m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's very good kkkay, considering the fact that i dont train (who does :P) and i didn't warm up HAHA. i jus drank lots and lots of milo. oh my goshhhhh, running 800m is askruaoihnfoiayhaiw. esp running with nicole-ann leong! hahahahha. i started really fasttttt, and like towards the end i was slowing down. and puva was like "LYNN! you're slowing down!" etc etc. waliaoooo. haha, it's good motivation though. halfway through i REALLY wanted to give up :( but i thought bout like my class then puva then subha then of cos, God :)!hahahahhaa. cannot let them down ! :) so yeah, did my best. regretted not sprinting in the end, but maybe iw as v tired :D cant rmbr. the after-feeling is HORRIBLE. undescribable.

aft that, had high jump. i didn't do very well. haha. then training! yeah, was quite tiring.

going malaysia tmr! CYA.


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