Friday, February 09, 2007


nothing much to talk about. school's been cool :) trainings too. geog and chinese test next monday D: the worst combination ever.

soooo, mr F hasn't been coming to school. so i guessed we missed out on quite a lot. so now, mr teo is taking over. darnnnnn.

om has been a bore. boring-est period ever. hateithateithateit.

i'm an old hag. i can't remember anythinggg. like erm, i thought the events that happened ystrdy happened like a week ago. booshakala.

my sis is being a pain in the a$$. so i shall starve myself for dinner. anw, i should save space in my tummy for chinese new year goodies. yipee.

just so you know by jesse mccartney :) enjoy. readin' it. haha.

shouldn't love you but i want you
i just can't turn away
i shouldn't see you but i can't move
i can't look away

i shouldn't love you but i want you
i just can't turn away
i shouldn't see you but i can't move
i can't look away

just so you know
this feeling's taking control of me
and i can't help it
i won't sit around, i can't let him win now
thought you should know
i've tried my best to let go of you
but i don't want to
i just gotta say it all
before i go
just so you know

it's getting hard to be around you
there's so much i can't say
do you want me to hide the feelings
And look the other way

and i don't know how to be fine when i'm not
'cos i don't know how to make a feeling stop

this emptiness is killing me
and i'm wondering why i've waited so long
looking back i realize
it was always there just never spoken
i'm waiting here
been waiting here

just so you know ..


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