Tuesday, February 06, 2007

is the way it's really going down?
is this how we say goodbye?
should've known better when you came around
that you were gonna make me cry

distracting myself now :) so i don't needa do math. so many more questions. @#!$%^& i'll just talk about school :D since school is just so .. fun.

monday - haha. gee, i can't rmbr anythinggg. oh yes! had training .. quite ... exciting. yup. did fitness, now my legs are like cramp-y. haha. gonna get fat thighs. boo.

tuesday (TODAY!) - wore my pretty new braaaaa. LOL. okayyy, that was random. ERMMM, i really can't think of anythinggg. damn. must be the math.

5 days more? yeah. it's gonna be dreaddddful. okiedokie. BUHBYE.

don't wanna think about it
don't wanna talk about it
i'm just so sick about it
i can't believe it's ending this way
just so confused about it
feeling the blues about it
i just can't do without you


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