Friday, February 16, 2007

CNY celebrations today :D

from left - huda, lauren, aisha, monica, ranita, lynn. outside our class :D

monica and lauren :P the mighty orange

jubby! promoting her nutritional drink! haha

omggg! haha. chaisy! with her hood

uber lame partners :D

chaisy and shameera! (:

haha. this picture was screwed :) ranita, min wei and aisha!

taha. they look down on you. from left - huda, lauren, ranita, angie, moni, chaisy, adilah!

the cute P2s performinggg! haha

spastic :P lynn and dumb ! haha

dwi's ahem shirt. hahaha cool!

pretty pretty valen and the less superior lynn :D

last but not least, the camera and girl who did it all :D

after school, went to orchard with monica :P shopped till our feet were disformed. then wnt for doctor's appoinment.


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